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Ten days left

Our Kickstarter finishes on August 15th and we’re about a quarter of the way there. If you want to support us getting out book 3, now’s the time! Also, just a note to say we really do rely on our readers to keep writing and publishing these books,…


Book 3 Ready for Pre-Orders

After a year of hard work, we’re finally ready to start pre-selling book 3: Secret of the Kraken. Visit our Kickstarter page for more info and to support the effort. (you’ll also get to see Celia’s new hobby – animation!)


A Torrential Storm

Sometime before it grew dark, an enormous wind pounded into our valley, sending our pets scampering under tables and the kids wide-eyed at the windows. We live in the Rocky Mountains, so we don’t get big tornadoes or hurricanes, but this was about as big as it gets….


Dining with a Satyr Chef

Secret of the Kraken, chapter 1

As Celia and I sat at the booth of the Montana MADE fair, selling books 1 and 2 from The Elementalists to hundreds of strangers, we had a moment of quiet where she put her forehead on her hands and said, “I’m too tired!”  It was true. Every…


Book launch and beyond


After a day of sweeping, mowing, moving outdoor furniture, and preparing for any weather (it is Montana after all), we felt ready for the launch party. Michelle spent the entire day cooking up a feast, while the kids and I focused on the outdoor scene. A few blisters…


It gets easier


Last year, by the time we finally shipped book 1 we’d gone from noobies to veterans. Now we know you can ship a book in the US for under $5, but crossing the border puts it over $20. And don’t go into the post office on Mondays or…


A dragon showed up on our doorstep

Actually, boxes of them. The hardcover books are here! Celia and I are so excited to share these books with the world, and each of you first!  The paperbacks will arrive later this week.  Yet again this has been an incredible journey, and we thank you all for…


The Joys of Late-Night Editing


Thank you all for supporting our efforts for book 2!  The Kickstarter was successful, and now the hard work of finishing up the book begins. I was up late last night going through Celia’s scrawled notes in the margins of the proof copy, making final changes to the…


Last edits underway!

A couple of days ago Celia did a little jig and yelled out, “Dad, I’m done!” I dashed up the stairs where she proudly held a marked-up copy of our second novel. Every chapter had comments, words crossed out, or doodles, especially on top of the inside illustrations….


Bozeman father-daughter writing duo prepare to launch their second fantasy novel

There’s an article about us in the Bozeman Chronicle today.